Dear African searchers of a better life !

This is just a friendly warning ! Looking for fortune in post-Soviet countries is a total madness! European Union Council is making us to shelter 250 "better life seekers" from Africa ! They would not disclose to you what living conditions and standarts you will be living in! So better we will tell it to you now !

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia are particularly unfavourable states -
harsh weather conditions, poverty, low living standarts, expensivness, unhuman attitude and a very corrupted government!
We would be happy to see you as tourists, but we are extremely unfavourable to immigrants ! Read our history - everything has been said in there !

Our social benefits.
You are expecting 256 euros per month, childbirth allowance of 70 euros per month, the minimum wage of 270 euros per month, that you will be paid only for a year and that money would be for clothing in minus 30 degrees in winter and heating the house ... we need clothes and shoes for 4 seasons!

Latvian language is the only officially recognized and used language in Latvia which states that work can only find person who knows good level of the Latvian language! Our language is very difficult, hardly any other nationals have learned it even though they have been born and bought up here - in Latvia.

Please do not come here - you will face great disappointment of what one can get in Europe!

Africa for Africans, Latvia for Latvians, Lithuania for Lithuanians and Estonia for Estonians !!!

šārojiet so linku, lai tas nokļūst līdz Āfrikas labakas dzīves meklētājiem:

Komentāri (0)  |  2015-09-07 03:06  |  Skatīts: 1420x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe   
